Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm free!

So, i didnt go for the Tu face show, i opted to spend time with my friend who's travelling out of the country and i wont be seeing for a very long time(i know! the things i do and give up for my peeps:))
To the main gist, I'M FREE!!!! i wasn't given the boot at work, the person responsible for the mistake owned up to it and i got away with not even a slap on the wrist. Doesn't change the fact that i should have noticed the error, i'll definitely have to be more careful in future.
God certainly heard my prayer, not like he had much of a choice when i turned pastor overnight! Boy did i really pray over that situation, I wasn't having any sack letter after just a month of working there! Thank you Lord!
I gotta run now, catch y'all later. Xoxo
PS: I think i've met my knight in shinning and i promise i haven't put him on a pedestal, i think or feel he's the real deal. My fingers are permanently bent from keeping them crossed! Laters!

Friday, September 24, 2010


Have you ever done anything that made you go “What the hell did I just do?” There comes a time in our lives that we make the silliest of mistakes and all we can do is try to fix what’s left of a bad situation.
The truth is that worry and anxiety does not change or fix a thing so, why worry? It will take the grace of God though, to get to the point where we aren’t plagued by anxiety. This is because over time, anxiety and fear becomes our normal response when things don’t go the way we would like them to. The bible says however, that we have not been given the spirit of fear and it also cautions us to be anxious over nothing.
The thing is; I find myself in one of such situations where I have made a huge mistake. The mistake wasn’t mine but I take responsibility because I should have noticed it. It’s a work related issue, it involves money and has not yet been resolved. Usually I would be a nervous wreck but studying the word of God has helped me change in ways i wasn't even aware of.
I decided to put my faith and trust in God and have refused to worry. I believe that at the end of the day, things will work out in my favour and God never lets those who believe in him down.
So, the lesson for today is,” DO NOT GIVE INTO FEAR AND ANXIETY, EVER!”
Sure we all make mistakes, on a small scale that makes you go oops! Or on a grand scale that causes people to act like a plague just came in whenever you walk into a room! Whatever the case is, do not allow that mistake determine your tomorrow.
Right then, I need to apply myself to other things, like considering whether I should go for the Tuface show on Sunday since M.I is meant to be performing (yay!:) Laters y’all. Xoxo.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

It will all get better in time.

Even though you've been hurt bad
Even though you've been betrayed
Even though you've been lied to
Even though you've been decieved
Even though you've been cheated
It will all get better in time. At first it might not feel like it will, but trust me, it will. The first step towards healing and recovery is letting go. Let go of all the hurt and pain because those that hurt you don't go around carrying the memory of the hurt they've inflicted. Most of them sold their conscience a while back so to them it doesn't matter what they do. And you're left carrying all the pain while they are free as birds!
You cannot afford to let them own you and determine the choices you make, you have to let it go, let it go!
If you can do that, i assure you, it will get better in time. I'm in a bit of an inspiring mood, so i thought i'd share the love *wink* Love y'all always.. Xoxo.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Will you be my ....

Okay, I had the craziest Sunday ever and it qualifies as the craziest because I got the proposition of a life time. Hold your breath, here it comes….. (Drum roll) “Will you be my girlfriend?” I mean, isn’t that the most preposterous question to ask in the 21st century? Scratch that, I’m past 23(note that i dont specify:)), I sure as hell don’t want to be anyone’s silly girlfriend, jeez my mates are getting married all over the place and what do I get, a “will you be my girlfriend?!”
I didn’t know what to say I admit, I was in shock and then I started to laugh, after which I said ok. Then I asked if an ok qualified as a yes, how daft was that? My only excuse is the fact that I was in shock, and did I mention we were in a car and he had a tight grip on my hand while the other was on the wheel and he had just finished saying how his mother thought he was a rough driver? Of course I said ok, I am not that daft! What if he decided to exhibit a bit of the roughness he’s famous for? What then ehn?! It was my rebellious spirit that refused to let me say an outright yes!
So, I got the girlfriend proposal, which I think is a bit better than the, “Would you be the mother of my children?” proposal from a total stranger! I might be wrong; I’ll leave you to decide. The tales we girls could tell of all the ridiculous things that have been said to us, and for what? Just to get into Jerusalem? Seriously! Come on guys, we are not that gullible! It is perplexing to say the least when some guy opens his mouth and begins to yarn absolute dust and he really expects you to believe him! I swear, just listening to that type almost make me long for the days when I could lay claim to the title “She Guzzler” because then, I would drink myself silly just to drown the sound of his voice.
Anyways, by all means congratulate me for i am in a relationship as i did say ok and have not come around to telling him he must be out of his darn mind. And to make matters worse he abandoned me by the roadside, and has already began to make suggestions about getting me lingerie that "he" likes!
I look forward to finding out how this sordid tale unfolds, meanwhile i may have just chased off one of the most fantastic guys i've ever met, either way, i'll definitely be letting you know. Till laters, xoxo.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Speak up and be heard!

What is acceptable behaviour at the workplace? What should you overlook and what should you take a stand against? At my ex workplace, i have to admit that the people there were different from any other place i have worked. They were manipulative, constantly seeking new means to make the next person seem incompetent and never taking responsibility for their lack of competence.
This much negativity was something i had never encountered so i guess you could call me "naive" because, as soon as i started telling every and anyone who cared to listen about my plight it seemed almost everyone had a similar story to tell about their workplace.
My first approach to all the negativity was to ignore them and try and keep the peace. I decided to never lose my temper, afterall, it was still an office and i didnt think bickering would be the best idea. Needless to say, that approach seemed like the worst idea at some point because it never got better! The more i tried to keep the peace, the worse things seemed to get and at some point i'm like, "What the bloddy hell is happening here!"
Well, i guess you can imagine how that turned out since i'm now at a different place. The thing is now, i fear i might be in danger of being labelled a villian because i've decided not to let history repeat itself and nip any form of insolence and rudeness in the bud before it blossoms into something caustic. The other day, there was an incident at work where a colleague i was pals with called me over the phone and was very loud and abrupt. Immediately i got into the office i cautioned him to never take that tone with me because i didnt appreciate it. When he was going to argue i cut him off and continued with business as usual, even approaching him when necessary like i hadn't just told him off. It wasn't because i wanted any form of controversy with him or because i dont like him but i feel that the earlier one draws a line and makes it clear enough, most people are unlikely to take the piss.
Since then, he's been very distant, maybe because he didn't see it coming and didn't expect me to be that abrupt but whatever his feelings, he has been nothing but absolutely polite and courteous so i guess my speaking up was not in vain.
There will always be people who will want to take advantage of you but even at the risk of being labelled the villian, you have to speak up. What do you need to speak up about in your life? What has got to change? At some point, we need to speak up and make ourselves heard or risk total disregard from those who think they alone have voices. Speak up! Xoxo

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Where my love lies....

Have you ever heard a song you just fell in love with and all you wanted to do was just be one with the song. You just wanted to listen to it all day, learning all the words to the song, loving ever single beat, every rhythm and sound, even the singer's random words or exclamations, serve to make the song all the more perfect.
At some point you begin to wonder how the song writer, producer and everyone involved in the song were able to create such perfection. Its a beauty to experience such musical genius, where you just want to sing along and tell everyone you know of the song, wanting them to love it as much as you do. Wanting them to feel all the emotions you felt just from listening. I always love the feeling, its incomparable to anything i've ever felt and its a joy and a blessing, knowing that i can always listen to it and no one can take the feeling away. Knowing that the song in all its beauty will never disappoint me and i can love it and play it whenever! I have felt such beauty time and again but right now, my love lies with Tye Tribbett in "Bless the Lord" (Son of man)! What! what! its the most beautiful music to my ears, i cant get over the way it makes me feel. It inspires me to appreciate God's love for me, it makes me feel like everything will be fine, it gives me hope, it makes me joyous and i just want to dance all over the place. I dont think i will ever be fully able to express just how uplifting the song is to me. If you haven't heard it, please try and listen to it, i guarantee you will not be disappointed.
Now, i'm done expressing my love for the song, Happy New Month!!! Xoxo