Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


It's amazing how little people will think of you while you're still in the process of becoming the person God has destined you to be. It's ok though, because what they think does not really matter, at the end of the day it’s what you think of yourself that counts. Don’t let anyone dictate who you are by their expectations of you, for they are not your God. I may not be all i want to be but i know for sure I’m still evolving and those who can’t see the gift that i am now, will perhaps recognize it a little too late.
I am especially grateful for the life i have, i can say there have been days i wished i could just lie in bed and not get up and there've been days I’ve felt totally ecstatic like nothing could ever go wrong. In other words, I’m living! And sometimes that’s really all you can do, live. We are alive so there's much to be thankful for even though it might not seem that way all the time (trust me i know). The presence of God's grace in our lives is not that there will be no storms but that we will weather and overcome the storms. I am not a preacher, I’m certainly not holy enough for that :) but i feel the need to encourage myself and as many who read this. Do not give up hope; believe in yourself and God's promise to his children that he will forever be by us.
Alright, that being said, let me not spoil this by gossiping today, I’m being good :) but there's plenty jist! I'll get to every alarming detail soon enough. XOXO!

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