Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Catching up

I finally worked up the courage and asked Marcus to stay away from me, i even went as far as deleting him from my BB. He wasn't pleased but he's respected my wishes, afterall he doesn't plan to leave his girlfriend and i never wanted him to.. I am sad, i miss him terribly but i know that i cant go back.
I already knew what i was going to do so i pretty much held on to every moment with him, knowing it was going to be over really soon. We spent a lot of time together just before the end and as always, they were good times. I know without a doubt that i did the right thing, but it doesnt feel that way sometimes. A picture, a song, a word, these things remind me of him and it gets hard but i'll get over it so it's going to be okay.
I've moved houses and i can happily say that i'm doing ok, it's been tiring but it's also been good. My major problem is, living in two different places, i didn't realise how much property i've acquired and having them all in one place is quite oppressive! I have stuff all over my room, its like i'm dodging clothes and shoes and all sorts! I've packed two big bags full with stuff i want to give away to make space.
At a point it felt like i was losing my home and Marcus all at once and it was all too much but i managed to get past it. I think i'm handling this pretty well because i prepared for it so i'm not devastated, i just really miss him. He was quite funny, smart, he had a really cute smile and he did let me hit him (a lot!) I listened to someone that said, just because you love someone, dont expect to be loved in return, just be content that the feeling grew in you...
I cannot say that i love Marcus, i really dont know what that is, i just know that i cared for him, wanted to be with him and didnt care about what he had to offer and i do know that i wish him the absolute best.
I think its time i really confront this love thing, what is love? Really? I shall be addressing this issue very soon and i have a feeling that i shall have a wide range of diverse answers to this one.
So, here's to making the right decisions no matter how much they hurt; trusting God, to lead us right; and to understanding what love really is...xoxo

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