Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

For the love of music...

One of my most fav things to do is discover new artists, not necessarily brand new singers, but singers who aren't exactly mainstream. Over the years, i've managed to find a few whom i totally love, most of whom are indie artists. The great thing ahout indie music is that it has this raw and truthful feel and it also comes in various genres. Who loves Grey's Anatomy?! Yay!!! i believe its the absolute best series ever and i also believe one of the reasons they're soooo fantastic, is the kind of songs they play on the show. I've discovered a lot of artists from watching the show and i swear, they are absolutely marvelous. There are songs that speak to your spirit and are not pretentious, those are the kind of songs i appreciate. Songs that you actually feel, they give you goosebumps when you listen. Music has always been a big part of my life and i cant imagine what the world will be like without it. Hence, my mad chase to constantly fill my spirit and soul with such songs, i sigh with intense pleasure from just recalling my collection. There are also musicians who have been out there for generations that i discover and its my absolute pleasure to revel in the generosity and beauty of their music. Take Peter Gabriel for example, he's fantastic, and i keep thinking,"How could i have missed him!" I guess we all have things we're extremly passionate about, things that stop us in our tracks every single time. For some of us, it could be music, family, our partners, art, and yes, money. Whatever your passion is, make it count for something and be proud of it. Except of course, your passion is eating other people, then, you're truly on your own. Seriously, dont take this personally, but please stay on your own!
Here are a couple of people i think are great, you could check them out: Ingrid Michealson, Inara George and Regina Spektor. Enjoy! Xoxo

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