Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Life and the single girl

And so it begins, the infamous scribblings that are going to propel me to the next level. Well, at least some level where i'm not trapped in a world where i feel like i'm the only one who gets me. I cannot begin to tell the tales of my life as i would never stop typing and you would never stop reading and then we'd both die. My case would be death by memories and your's death by disbelief! I've often found myself in situations where i get accused of being the bad guy, why? you might ask, i'll tell you. I'm the bad guy because i never respond the way i'm expected to. For instance, a guy says, you know what,its over. I'd say, oh great, see you around then! Apparently, the normal reponse should be, " But why, why are you doing this to me, you've ruined my life, now i'll never love again! how dare you? HOW DARE YOU?! I KILL YOU!!!!!!" Okay, perhaps thats a bit much :) but seriously what do people want? Its like some of us want to break other people just to prove to ourselves that we have power, no matter how little and its simply ridiculous because, there'll always be someone who has the ability to get under our skin and hence, the vicious cycle continues. Anyways, the real issue is, i'm at the point where i've decided to make a change, you know, really put myself out there for once and just go with the flow. To do that, i need a potential dater and there's this guy, i'm not sure i even like him but in a bid to prove i'm a normal person, i'm going to try not to expose my alien tendencies and i wont give him the boot. The great part is, he's miles away so i have distance on my side. Which means, there's no reason i should blow this unless i sense he might be an alien whose alien brother is actually my father!(you must forgive my dark and dry sense of humour!). If i can make this last for two months then i'm on to a great start! I'll definitely keep you posted, this should be some kind of fun, laters then. Xoxo

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