Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Return

Where to begin….I guess Happy New Year is a good enough way to start this. Next is the reason for the long silence; I can only say that I was looking for depth. I started to feel that writing about my life was not good enough material; I had to write about stuff that affects people’s lives, after all who cares about my life? I’m not famous or aspiring to be famous and in need of some publicity! My reason for starting again? Someone asked me for my blog address because he wanted to know the real me of course I was very vague and after a while he dropped it. After I got home I decided to come here and I read my previous blogs and they reminded me of various times in my life, some funny and some sad. It felt really good, coming back and revisiting old memories and I just had to do this again. I’ve always loved to write but I don’t think i have the level of concentration it takes to write a complete book so this is me doing something I love in a way that works for me. It’s almost the same reason I like greeting cards; you can get to the gist of a matter with just three lines:) I figure I may never write about ridding the world of poverty or saving the world from the devastation of the violence which seems to be constantly taking over; but I can certainly do me and if the silliness of it can bring a smile to someone’s heart then my work will be done. I now understand there’s too much pain and suffering in the world, too much politics and too many know it all’s who are big on words but never act. The responsibility now rests on every one of our shoulders to find that one thing we can do that makes us happy regardless of other people’s opinions. I guess for me, this is doing me so make sure you go do you!
So, I guess all I’m trying to say with the big grammar is I’M BACK!!!
PS: I now do greeting cards designs, words and all; I also have a couple designs for t-shirts and I’ll be uploading some of them here really soon! Catch y’all laters xoxo!