Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I did not write this oh!

I swear, i had forgotten what it was like to have to wake up every morning to go to work. Its just past 2pm and i'm exhausted, i just travelled the lenght of lagos for a meeting which went quite well but my head is banging too hard and making such a fuss it doesnt appreciate it!
The weekend was fun, spent it with my friend, watched a bit of Spartacus, drank a lot of wine and of course, whats the weekend without a bit of gossip:) Catching up on what everyone else is doing and analyzing our expectations for the future.
Now, has anyone been seeing Spartacus? OMG! its more than a little risque for my taste and a bit too bloody. The storyline is as usual, man searches for the love of his life killing any and all in his path but loses her eventually and this changes him( think gladiator). Lots of blood, testosterone and rage(think 300). Lots of sex(think pornography). Like i said, a bit too much for me but it served as a means to pass time; as we marvelled at the decadence that gripped Rome in those days, thats if the potrayal in the series has any truth to it. Just be sure you dont ever see it with little kids or teenagers, and if you want to cause alarm, shock and hyperventilation, show it to your mother. If you're tilting towards the grim faced sermon, let your father see it. In all, try not to see it at all. I hope nobody tracks me down and sues me for that statement and if they do, "Its not me oh!i did not write this oh!"
Oh well, time to get back to work, catch ya laters. Xoxo

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