Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Friday, August 13, 2010

She's back!

For weeks, i've started to blog but i haven't been able to, not for a want of things to tell because there's actually a lot of things that have happened in my life. I think the problem lies in not knowing where to begin....
I started work on my documentary although i've had to hit the pause button because i got a new job and i have to settle down and then, make the time for the documentary. I finally made peace in my heart with someone who affected me in ways that unfortunately led to who i was(Dark and Twisty). In making peace within, i've been released in ways that i thought unlikely. I've been studying God's word more, making it to church even during the weekdays, without being forced and my best friend goes along with me which is great.
I have been a busy bee, having fun with my close friends, having a crush, stealing kisses under the moonlight.... :) i've been living! and it's been the best time ever. Finding a God-given purpose for my life and working towards realizing it has been such an exhilarating ride and even though i have to take a break, the dream will never die. I've worried, thinking, what if someone else decides to do what i'm supposed to be doing while i have to get my act together, what then? Then i realised, God who gave me the vision will make it a reality. Besides, no one can do what i do the way i do!!!
Life is such a journey and i wonder what each day will bring and i try to embrace it, making the most of what i have. Like Bilbo said, " Its a dangerous business stepping out your door everyday." You never know what may sweep you off your feet and if you'll land on your feet or your back. I pray we all find the grace either ways to always trust God to be right there with us, ensuring that we're just fine.
So, lets just say.... SHE'S BACK! Expect details on the work front, the job description, the people and the everyday craziness, it'll be crazy to not expect a bit of drama, right? Xoxo.

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