Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The prodigal returns...

It’s been too long and it makes me wonder, how is it possible to like something and manage to forget it or let it go? I guess most times we tend to let life get the best of us and we forget the truly important things.
I for one didn’t mean to let the blog go, I just got too busy and tired for it. I’m sure I could have made the time but I just figured, next week and the next week became the upper week and then months went by. Well, I’m back now, with my tail firmly between my legs, the prodigal daughter who has become a stranger to her own blog space. I must ask forgiveness of myself for forgetting to be myself and losing one of my major forms of expression. Secondly, I must ask forgiveness of all those who I manage to entertain and have not provided this by being absent from this space.

That being said, Happy New Year!!!!
There are a whole lot of things i would love to say, where to start is my biggest dilemma. Do I start with the most recent which happened yesterday? I became public enemy number one when I dissed some members of a group on BB I got invited to. It was hilarious and I let them have it, I’m sure they wanted to kill me but hey, I have to express myself. Needless to say, they removed me from the group sharply! I still have a good laugh when I think of the things I said to them; or do I start with my anger at a film school I want to register with but they are charging an arm and leg for a month long course? This has kept me awake some nights, thinking of the different nasty words I’ll use when drafting a letter to them voicing my displeasure at them for not giving the average person a chance to learn( BLOODY CRIMINAL EXTORTIONISTS! and USELESS THEIVEING SONS OF TOILET RATS!! have been top on the list) ; or do I tell of me forcing myself to be in love with a guy?! That was extremely stupid but I figured why not fake it till I make it… well obviously I wasn’t a very good faker so, another one bit the dust…
I guess I’ll just start by saying, I’m thankful for this new year, I’m grateful I started it and God willing I’ll end it and I pray that God grants answers to my heart desires and gives me the grace to learn how to drop “self” and focus more on him. I also pray the same for you.
My theme for the year is Love, the God kind of love that's selfless and undemanding. I hear it’s the answer to everything so I figure why not try it :)
Watch this space… I’M BACK!!!

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