Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

All the wrong decisions!

I've been thinking, why is it that some decisions that have been made after serious thought, end up seeming like the wrong decisions to have made? I mean, you dwell on a situation, you chew it, spit it out, chew a bit more, then you act on a decision you feel is the best course of action. At the end of the day, it seems, it was the worst possible move and all your alternative plans would have been much better!Its downright frustrating, i believe its time for me to hire someone who'll make all my bad decisions for me, then when things go south, i can blame them! Really, how can something that felt absolutely right turn out to be so wrong? i shudder to think of the gravity of my bad decisions if my good decisions are so off tangent, it borders on craziness! Yeah, i've finally lost my man, i know, i couldn't even manage two months. I just couldn't take it anymore, i told him i didn't get how he could miss someone he barely knows,and he said it was because he cared but he could hold back if i wanted. Obviously, i said i wanted with an exclamation mark, and added that it was ok if he stopped with the pet names too. I mean, sweetcakes!!! i almost puked, that is just wrong, soooo wrong, jeez! Well, i haven't heard from him since then, this happened yesterday and i'm shocked, what did i do that was so bad?! Seriously, i was just being honest, when did that become a bad thing?! I'm more upset than i care to admit because the plan was to get him to stop doing things i find repulsive, hence, allowing me to really begin to appreciate him, and he stops calling, typical! I guess, its on to the next one!!! Watch out world, Scarlett is on the prowl again!!! Xoxo.

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