Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I swear, trying to live a christian life is the hardest thing ever! It can only be done with special grace from God himself. Try this, make up your mind and decide that today, you will not get mad, you will not lie, you will not think bad thoughts, you will not be impatient. Right, now step outside.... Was i right or was i right? Infact, if you live with other people, you dont even have to step outside! Temptation abounds everywhere! Its absolutely exhausting and trying to say the least. Its either your family, friends, co-workers or the random guy on the street, they all seem to be trying really hard to get under your skin. Despite the constant temptations, living a christian life can be done. Just dont look to anyone to set an example for you because, there's every possibility they will let you down. Instead, seek God, ask for his grace because, there's nothing like it. If you listen long enough to the word of God, you begin to realise the truth to it and the difference it can make in your life if you just believe. Well, i'm a believer but i also have my weaknesses, the point is not about being perfect, but working towards doing the right things and making a positive change in your world. So today, i want to remind us that God does love us and he knows when we're stressed out to the point of breaking. All we need to do is seek him, thats all he wants, for us to turn to him. Here's to loving God and living right! Xoxo.

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