Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Monday, June 7, 2010


The reason behind my long absence was to take a journey through my life, taking the time to discover the me beneath me. In so doing, i've come out stronger, calmer and happier than i thought possible. There is no greater power than realising who you really are and for me, it was about time. The total amount of time it took for me to get to this place of Zen was two weeks. This does not mean the work is over, its only just beginning but the first major steps have been taken and they are the really important ones. The past two weeks started out dark and miserable but then, evolved into beauty, yup, just like a butterfly:) I had to let go of all the basic things, like my bed, favourite meals, friends and loved ones, books, work, the blog and most especially my music! It was hell at first, but then it got better and now, i'm absolutely glad i made the move and the sacrifices, like they say, "No pain no gain." It was a kind of spiritual purging where you spend your days meditating, listening to the word, praying, learning life lessons, working out and sharing life experiences. The whole experience has lifted my spirit and given me such strenght, hope and courage i didnt dare believe i could posses. It was a constant battle dealing with my negativity and i must admit i'm not quite there yet, but there's been a definite shift in the right direction.
I believe at some point in all our lives, we need to step back, look inwards and try to sort out all our emotional and physical baggage. The world around us gets downright depressing and irritating and in a bid to survive, we become strangers to ourselves, this is why we need to take me time. We need to rediscover ourselves, those things that form the core of who we really are.
Having said that, its great to be back!!! i imagine i was missed, well, if only a little! Xoxo

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