Hey y'all

Love for music has been the only constant thing in my life. Everything else is just unpredictable, amazing and at times, downright alarming! So, this blog is dedicated to music and my unpredictable, amazing and alarming life.... xoxo.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Oyibo o!

Ok so I’m on a roll today, I can’t seem to stop writing. What is with some, dare I say most of us and phonetics bikonu? I have come to the conclusion that if someone is speaking with an accent to us, I think we instinctively feel the need to match the persons tone regardless of whether we can speak it or not!! I mean, why else will someone who can’t string two proper tenses along to save his life try to speak phonetics when he’s having a conversation with someone who’s speaking with an accent?! Instinct I tell ya! Don’t get it twisted o, I find that I’m not above such blatant oyiboism because the other day, a Doctor from a clinic I visited called me and he was speaking with this very nice Britico accent and I found myself going all British and when I realised what I was doing, I rolled my eyes at myself! In my mind I said to myself, ”C’mon! Seriously?! ” But by then I was too far gone to stop so I brazenly went at it, kilode?! Why do they think we can be oppressed by oyibo?! Lol, it’s so silly but it occurred to me so I figured I’d write about it. Xoxo!
Oh yea now my internet isn’t working so I’ll just have to save this and upload it tomorrow. Smh for Swift network, una try o.

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